
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Playing With Poetry -- With MORE Second Graders!

Pink Piglets in a Pen

You think I'm dirty.
I DO love
rolling in mud
I bathe in hay.

©2nd Grade, 2019

Another great group of young poets, and look at all we packed into that poem! Alliteration! Rhyme! Juicy word choices!


  1. (see comment on previous post) And right after we talked about alliteration, rhyme and the steady beat of a metered poem ("Chan Lo's Listening Poem" from THE JADE STONE, a Junior Great Books story I love), we talked about how you only need one stanza, four lines, 25 words or even 15, to write a powerful juicy poem!

  2. Love the "but I bathe..." ending.

    You are having too much fun. :)

  3. Hahah, I see 'Spider' on the list.
    Someone has read CHARLOTTE'S WEB.

    I think bathing in hay is the cleverest description of dry-rolling and dust bathing!
