Wednesday, April 1, 2015

PO-EMotion -- Anticipation

Flickr Creative Commons photo by eric lynch


The end of the very last day of school,
standing poised on the edge of the pool,

smell of curry as I'm opening the door,
excitement of Christmas on the night before,

next in line for the roller coaster,
when will the toast come out of the toaster?

jitters, dread, a lack of patience,
waiting and waiting...anticipation.

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2015

The roundup of  2015 Poetry Month projects throughout the Kidlitosphere can be found at 


  1. Hey, Mary Lee!

    Love the parade of images that evoke the feeling of -- When? I can smell the curry, and know that lack of patience sometimes. Sigh.

    Here's a homage to my mom that has a bit of dread in it...which, I suppose, is a kind of anticipation??

    Best to you,

    How many springs?

    I wonder
    how many more springs
    I will have?

    My mother asked,
    she, who gazed over eighty times
    at this awakening world:

    red-winged blackbirds, meadowlarks,
    the slim reddening of willow branches
    near the creek in the valley.

    In our silence
    we both know a spring
    will arrive without her.

    Through her ears I first
    heard song sparrows singing
    from gnarled plum branches.

    Once she knelt with me,
    knees and palms to earth,
    to watch towhees

    scratch under dry leaves
    when my heart hurt
    more than I could bear.

    She knows diligent
    attention can repair
    a damaged hull.

    And I know the
    quickening of the valley
    happens in due course.

    But will it occur
    without her?

    --steve peterson

    1. Steve,
      This just made me stop for a bit. Beautiful!


    2. "red-winged blackbirds, meadowlarks,
      the slim reddening of willow branches
      near the creek in the valley.

      In our silence
      we both know a spring
      will arrive without her."

      This is so honest.

  2. Love this list of anticipations, Mary Lee! One of my favorite things to anticipate is a vacation. So much of the joy is the looking-forward-let's-get-ready part!

  3. Good morning! Thanks for getting to my place even before I finished my second cup of coffee! Loved "Anticipation"! It's a great feeling, isn't it! Almost better than the doing!

  4. So glad to see your words (and Steve's on the same page!) I'm anticipating summer. Our days are very warm and we're on Spring Break. Holding on with my students. Poetry may ease the anticipation.

  5. I love that you include the big things, like the Christmas, and the little, like waiting for the toast to come out of the toaster.

  6. Anticipation is one of the spices of life!

  7. The words, the rhythm, the meaning. Perfect! I'm anticipating a month of great poetry from you.


  8. This was such a perfect feeling to start the month with, Mary Lee! I love and fear that emotion. Yesterday, we went up the Dusquesne Incline in Pittsburgh, and I felt all of those things in my tummy. I liked it and wanted to begin and be over with all at once. Thank you!
