Thursday, December 10, 2015

Number 27

Welcome, new friend!
You have come to the right place--
you are one of us.

©Mary Lee Hahn 2015


  1. #27 is so blessed to have arrived in your room, where he/she will be welcomed and cared for. I love all the flags! What a community.

    My post came from a tweet by Carol Varsalona yesterday.

    "Past Affects Present"
    people tell me
    my boys' brokenness
    will one day
    be a source of strength
    sea glass rubbed smooth
    right now
    i only see sharp edges

    (c) Carol Wilcox, 2015

    or maybe a real haiku (which is what we are supposed to be writing

    "Past affects present"
    my boys' brokenness
    one day a source of great strength
    now only sharp edges

    (C) Carol Wilcox, 2015

    1. I sure hope the "sea glass rubbed smooth" comes true. I get how hard it is to see beyond the sharp edges.


    2. Mary Lee. I agree with Carol W. How fortunate to have washed up on your shore. Love the flags. A visible sign of your community and its caring.

      Carol W. What a beautiful way to think through the day, these poems of yours! I love them both, but the journey from brokenness, to a wonder about strength, to the sea glass image, and then the edges is heartbreaking, but lovely in its truth. Thank you.

    3. For the time to reflect upon life and how we all see it, I thank all of you but especially Mary Lee for bringing a small measure of peaceful white space to each day I have spent with all of you. I write about the gift of peace today at It is something I have been wishing for since I blew out the candle on my birthday cake during the Thanksgiving holidays. Mary Lee, your invitation into your learning space provides a sense of peaceful community. Carol, the sharp edges that you see right now are pebbles on the sand. I wish you and your son days of smooth travel through the ocean's rushing waters. Steve, your sense of humanity is evident in your powerful replies to each of us. I look forward to all of your thoughts each day in hopes that I may learn from all of you to improve my craft. Peaceful wishes I bring from my house to yours.

  2. Here's mine for the day. Another tanka. Playing with the location of the hinge line, and ideas of what stays the same and what changes (and how).

    clutched by barbed wire
    a plastic bag
    in the prairie wind,
    sometimes things work out, he said

    1. I'm amazed again at your depth. My writing feels very literal.

      And so we learn.

  3. Steve- These fascinate me. That last line is totally unexpected and yet…

    1. Hi, Carol.
      That line may have been too far into the prairie-Midwest to make sense to anyone but myself. I'm not sure. All I know is that Midwestern "hopefulness" teeters on the edge of fantastic and fantasy. Sometimes it's hard for me to tell the difference! I think I was searching for a set of images that caught that ambiguity.

  4. Steve, clutched by barbed wire is such a powerful opener as I see many phases of life surrounded by barricades to peaceful leaving. Your ending brings hope to those who are struggling at this time.
