Sunday, April 10, 2016



Got a photo postcard today
from my brother who stayed
back on the old place

north of Concordia
when the rest of us moved to Colorado.
Looks like they've got no complaints.

"Richard on Eds shoulder,
he couldn't look out. Mrs. and myself
in our oats field, it made 62 bu."

We watch the clouds build up in the west,
watch them pass by our fields,
watch them continue east to deliver their rain.

It's sure enough dry here -- nearly desert.
But there's a beauty in it, and we are learning
to lean into the wind and weather. We'll stay.

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2016


  1. "...we are learning/to lean into the wind..." Love this image -- the hope in it, but there is also a sense of resignation or sorrow, too. I love poems that have a little bit of both. Chiaroscuro.

  2. Like Steve, I love "we are learning/to lean into the wind and weather." An important lesson for me too.

  3. Me three."But there's a beauty in it, and we are learning
    to lean into the wind and weather. We'll stay.Me three: "

  4. Some days you just have to do the best you can. At least I wrote, right?


    that sky

    those clouds

    those crops

    we humans

    (C) Carol Wilcox, 2016

    we exclaim over
    vast wheaty wealth
    that stretches
    as far as we can see

    we do not realize
    foreboding gray clouds
    fill the sky

    directly behind us

    (C) Carol Wilcox, 2016

    1. I like them both for the contrasts of large and small, but I especially like the second one, with that last line separated. Ominously.
