Friday, April 27, 2018

Poetry Friday

Whatever you are, be a good one.  ~Abraham Lincoln

Poetry Friday

Pick a poem about whatever
captivates you
endangered animals, a hotdog car, dinosaurs, or ants – you are
in charge of choosing and practicing. Be
an attentive audience for others. Then, be a
positively excellent performer. Make us sigh, or laugh and say, “Good

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2018


  1. YOU are the attentive audience, and you are a good one. Thanks for bringing your students to life.

  2. It's truly wonderful that poetry can be about anything.

  3. Now I'd like a poem about a hotdog car. ☺
    It's wonderful that your class is reading the poetry aloud - poetry written by others as well as themselves is really key in teaching performance skills, and how our understandings of words we wrote or words someone else wrote can differ.
