Monday, April 1, 2019


Hemingway helped me launch Playing With Poetry by reminding me to PLAY with the Haikubes. He LOVES the sound they make. When I dumped them on the carpet, he came running. At first he supervised while I made my choices.

But pretty soon, he wanted to click the cubes himself, then carry one away to hide under the couch.

Here's my haiku for April 1:

we, you, us...all wrong:
fortune will flock to places
parallel with peace

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2019


  1. Hemingway is a poet, like his human. :) I almost bought myself a set of these when I spied them last week in a cute little shop in Chattanooga... but didn't. Now I can enjoy them vicariously, through you! Thank you! xo

  2. I love that Hemingway helped you. Awesome. Love the photos. I am playing in a tray so its noisy. Looking forward to the month unfolding.

  3. Before I saw the pictures, I thought you were inspired by the real Hemingway. Funny that your cat likes to play with poetry. Reminds me of the squirrel in Flora and Ulysses. The haikubes force out of the box thinking, as in parallel with peace.

  4. I love the photos, too!

    And, goodness gracious, I hope you are right that I am wrong about where fortune will flock.

  5. I love every single thing about this. The poem is gorgeous and gives me hope. Hemingway is spectacular and makes me want to reach into my computer screen. And the sound of Haikubes is one of my favorite sounds of all, much like the sound of stones clacking together. I adore your project. xxxx

  6. 1)How is it possible that I have not met Hemingway before?
    2)How wonderful to roll the haikubes and receive this! Although I'm sure you and your feline amanuensis worked some furry magic on the raw materials. May it be so.

  7. So many cubes! Mine just arrived and they are overwhelming me. I need to mess around this weekend. -- Christie @
